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Monday, December 5, 2016

Doctor's Guide to Organizing an Appreciation Party

Whenever doctors have an event, we're challenged to do some event planning, which is not our forte, well, that's why we're doctors and not event planners... But we are usually on a tight budget, so we can't hire an event planner to make our lives easier and oftentimes, we have no choice but to do the organizing ourselves.

This is a resident's guide, since I'm still a resident and I would like to share what I've learned in becoming one of the organizing committee in a mini Appreciation Night.

Disclaimer: Things written here are product of collaboration of all the ideas of residents and consultants and not all of my own...

Two important things in any event are: MONEY & TIME, and more often than not, we don't have much of both. We'll just do what we can with what we have.

  • Token - This is the most important thing, if you're going to honor somebody. Give something that he will cherish and keep to remember this special day.
    • e.g. Pictures, Scrapbook, Photoalbum, Coffee Table Book, Tribute video, Video testimonials, a thing that has a lot of memories attached to it
    • In our case, a coffee table book and an AVP of testimonials of his students were given to him

  • Program - Think of how the program during the event will go, do you want a theme? a general idea on how it will go?
    • e.g. A general theme of "through the decades" was done in our case
    • Program details may include, welcoming remarks, playing of the video testimonial, awarding ceremony, wine toast, closing remarks, party after etc.

  • Entertainment - This will depend on your budget, should you hire a professional singer? a professional band? a musician? a professional host? a comedian? or if you don't have a budget, a performance to be performed by the residents or consultants

  • Venue - You should go check your venue, and take note of how big the place is, what food are they offering, sound system, mic, speakers, parking, etc.

  • Food - This will depend on your budget, what type of food, what cuisine is available? Alcohol?
  • Giveaway - if your budget will permit, it will be nice to give a giveaway as a souvenir to the guests.  Think of something that is useful to the guests, so that there won't be any waste of resources.
    • e.g. Customized USB card, customized t-shirt, customized jacket, customized top etc.

  • Theme - this is not necessary, but if you can do this, this is a little extra and added experience to the senses of the guests.
    • Think of themes appropriate for the age of your guests
    • Most doctors are shy, so don't think of too wild themes
    • If you can buy the props, buy for all, because you can not expect the guests to have time to buy the props / costumes
    • If you could contact the venue/restaurant, you can request the table placements, chairs, lightings, overall design to be related to your color scheme or theme
    • e.g. "Gatsby" theme in our case, hats and bowties were prepared and bought by one person to provide for all the guests

  • Pray a lot! The success of your party largely depend on your consultants! Because they're the ones who will be in charge of your budget and the success of the 'theme' will depend on all the consultant's participation.  Maraming doctor ang pasaway.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Whatever happens in the end, always reward yourself for a job well done regardless of the outcome. 😃

PS: Would like to thank Wine Story (Shangri-La Mall) for accommodating us & CIBO for our food.

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