Sunday, March 12, 2017

Learning from a Baby

Today is my birthday, on a Sunday and luckily not on duty.  I originally planned on spending time with my family, probably lunch.  We already picked out a restaurant, and this will be a triple celebration for my younger sister's birthday and my dad's birthday as well.

But all the plans crumbled down when I was told by my senior, that we have to attend the PURA Strategic Planning.  Of course I can no longer control or predict my time since I have no idea how long the planning will be.  So we just cancelled our plans and wait til further notice before organizing the next family time.

So I was sad, I'm to spend my time away from my loved ones on my special day.  
We attended the Strategic Planning in Subic, Saturday night.  The planning went on smoothly.

Morning came of my birthday and I woke up earlier than the others.  And I stepped out of my room and walked around, still feeling lonely without my loved ones.

As I was walking I saw a mother with a baby.  We'll call the baby, Baby Joaquin.  I approached them and said good morning po and played with Baby Joaquin.  Baby Joaquin is a friendly baby, he did not cry when I carried him.

He suddenly started kicking, finding pure joy with the simple act of kicking at the sand.  Take note that the baby is with someone not his parent and yet he finds joy in the simple things.

As we grow older, we tend to forget that some simple everyday things can actually give us joy, it all depends on the way we perceive it.  We just have to learn from babies that simple acts or things could bring you joy.

I then realized that maybe I'm perceiving today as an half-empty glass of water instead of a 'half-filled' glass of water.  Then I started to observe my environment.

Isn't this view magnificent?  Truly spectacular.  Not every resident can experience this view on their birthday.

And it's not everyday that we get to have breakfast by the beach.

And not every Uro Resident can get to experience being with the future Urologists in the eve of her birthday!
Truly an unforgettable birthday!

But wait... there's more!

We went back to Manila.  And as soon as I got home, after I texted my mom that I have arrived in my dormitory.  She asked me if I want to have dinner.  Although not all my sisters are available, since some have made their plans after the initial plan was cancelled.

We were able to have dinner eventually, something I have wished for for my birthday.  Though not complete, but hey... we just have to see it through 'half-filled' glass.😎

I initially thought that my initial plan could make my day special.  But I never thought that this day could go any better.  Maybe the Higher One has already planned out my day already, and He added a bonus of learning from a Baby.  Truly a remarkable experience.

I would like to thank Baby Joaquin

For teaching  & reminding me in his own little way to appreciate the simple things in life.  And to his parents for allowing me to post his pictures in this blog.

Truly one memorable Birthday!

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